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John Pew's Story

  • Poor
    Dr. Chow is an incredibly skilled surgeon with an amazing team. I walked into the hospital at 6:30 a.m. and walked out at 2:30 p.m. with a total hip replacement. There is no one better!
  • On January , 2023 I injured my left hip and I was unable to walk without pain that caused w to limp.After sei g several orthopedic doctors who misdiagnosed the problem and continued pain, I finally received an MRI which revealed two torn gluteal muscles, I then underwent a surgical procedure to repair the damage but the surgery did t work and I was informed that I might be abl to walk normally again. After some research,I discovered De. Chow! He did a thorough review of my condition and recommended a hip replacement as well as a muse repair with a titanium band. Now,after just seven weeks,although I am still using a walker as I recover, I am walking pain free! Throughout this process.I.havw received.excellent care. Dr Chow took time to thoroughly explain the surgical procedure. And the healing process His medical staff is professional and caring. Communications throughout this process have been timely and thorough. Dr. Chow is a really a truly talented and excellent surgeon! Best of all, he is personable and easy to work with. Dr. Chow and his team are truly the best!

    ~ Anonymous

  • After 6 + years of pain, many years of not being able to the things I love, and after consultations with 7 different surgeons plus having my xrays submitted to 7 more surgeons around the world who specialized in hip resurfacing, I found Dr. Jimmy Chow and SuperPATH!

    With a friendly and fantastic supporting office staff, coupled with a hospital that really caters to the patient, from pre-op to OR to recovery, there is no other place to go for hip replacement.

    For someone at 68 who was very anxious of surgery, having had none before, I could not wait too long to have Dr. Chow do my right hip after having him replace the left hip!

    Out of the hospital and on the way home (a 4 hour drive) in 24 hours after leaving the OR, walking a mile in a week, riding my motorcycle in 6 weeks, the SuperPATH method allows almost immediate recovery, modest physical therapy, and no narcotics (for me).

    I wish all doctors were as nice and friendly and professional as Dr. Chow and his wonderful staff. If you need hip replacement, and desire to be up and around, maybe back to work, driving playing golf, Dr. Jimmy Chow is the man to see! If more information is needed, you are welcome to contact me.

    ~ CG (Hereford, AZ)

  • On Friday, JuIy 12, 2013, I met the impressive Dr. Chow for the first time for my pre-op appointment. I had the SuperPath Total Hip Replacement on Monday, July 15, at approximately 10:30 am. After surgery, I got to my room about 2:00 pm, and by 3:00, physical therapy came in to have me walk. My leg was still numb from the surgery, so they said they’d try again later. PT came back around 5:00. As I sat up to get out of bed, my blood pressure dropped, and I became very weak. I waited a little bit and tried again, but it was a no go. Since I was from Illinois and staying in a hotel anyway, it was suggested that I spend a second day in the hospital to get my blood pressure regulated and then also try to walk the next day. That is what I did.

    The next day, when PT came to help me walk in the morning, I did much better but still had some issues with stabilizing my blood pressure. I had to stop several times during my walk around the floor to sit down because of weakness. My blood was then tested, and it was determined that I was low in potassium; it was added to my IV. As a result, when PT came back in the afternoon for my walk, everything went great –no more weakness. I was discharged to go “home.”

    I used a walker while in the hospital and just for part of the day on return to the hotel. After that, I walked on my own without a walker or cane. Just like Dr. Chow said, improvement was fast. Everyday, I could see a 50% improvement from the day before. On Thursday, July 18, I had my post-op appointment, and all was well, flew home on Saturday, July 20, and by Sunday, the 21st, was walking a mile on my treadmill, which I continued to do daily for awhile.

    It really took about a month before I got my energy back. I wanted to take naps all the time. Turning in bed was challenging, too, until the incision healed enough to lay on that side, but the new hip was great. I exercised most days on my own, and after about a month decided to go to physical therapy since I had a script for 3 times a week for 4 weeks. I no longer walked with a limp, but I still was “winging” my hip back a bit like I did before surgery and wanted to correct my gait. The PT really helped me get strong, and I am glad I did that.

    It’s now been 8 weeks since my surgery. I love my new hip! I am 57 years old, have owned and operated a dance studio for the past 30 years, and the new season began September 10. I am back at the ballet barre, so to speak, teaching a full load of advanced classes. Thank you, Dr. Chow, and to the staff at both the Hedley Orthopaedic Institute and St. Luke’s Medical Center for being so caring, friendly, professional, and proficient.

    ~ MJM (AZ)

  • Had partial knee replacement by DR Chow going on 2 yrs pain greatly reduced very satisfied

    ~ SH (AZ)

  • I had my left knee done in August a year ago, and my right the following October. In both cases I left the hospital the next day, used a walker for three days, and a cane for about two weeks. It was not painless, but not unbearable either. You MUST rehab! A year later (less for my right knee) I am playing racquetball, hiking three miles a day in the mountains, and thinking about playing senior softball this winter. A year ago I had to pull myself up stairs by the railing….one step at a time! I am 63.

    ~ EJ (AZ)

  • No pain. Great skilled physician that cares, actually listens, and takes the time to answer any and all questions. Rare in the medical profession today. Walking with cane three days after surgery, without cane 5 days after surgery. Am totally amazed. Excellent MA shelly. One of the best decisions of my life to choose dr. Chow. If I need knee or other hip I will be back.

    ~ SM (AZ)

  • I was walking two days after you replaced my left hip.

    ~ LT (Gilbert, AZ)

  • Since your extraordinary surgery on J’s hip we have been telling everyone of your exceptional skill and advanced techniques and – well – we feel most fortunate to have found you fairly early in what will soon be a booming practice with a two-year wait list!

    I have also thanked Dr. Silverman, whom you alerted to our concern about the anesthesia; we find no discernible difference in J’s cognitive abilities as a result of the surgery. And, I wrote St. Luke’s administration to thank them for the excellent care we received from the 8th floor staff (one nurse, when we were praising her skills, told us that if a nurse “can’t cut it” with you and Dr. Hedley, she gets rotated out quickly. I know your patients appreciate that discipline, for those nurses were terrific.)

    Thank you for being a caring, brilliant and flat-out wonderful doctor. We are so very grateful to you.

    ~ JS (Scottsdale, AZ)

  • I had been living with hip pain for several months when my primary care physician sent me to an orthopedic surgeon for a hip replacement consultation. We met with the doctor and started the required pre-op tests, but our enthusiasm soon waned. Something just didn’t seem right.

    It was a real miracle when my daughter found you and information on SuperPATH through an internet search. As soon as we met you, we knew you were the surgeon for us.

    I am so thankful to be living pain free. We are truly grateful for all you have done for us.

    With sincere appreciation,

    ~ AM (Mesa, AZ)

  • Although you were not my physician in the hospital, we appreciated your efforts on our behalf Friday morning. I was particularly impressed with your appreciation of the nursing staff!

    ~ MO & MD (Phoenix, AZ)

  • Thank you very much for you. Welcome to China soon.

    ~ XJ & LW (Zhenjiang City ,Jiangsu Province, China)

  • Thanks for the excellent surgery that has made a small recovery possible! And I love my newly straightened leg!

    ~ NC (Phoenix, AZ)

  • The bone in my mother’s right leg was shattered. Dr. Jimmy Chow put a nail in. She is taking Extra Strength Tylenol and that’s it. She keeps seeing other patients that Dr. Jimmy has done a hip replacement on, and says that she should have broken her hip and she’d be back walking by now (it’s only been a little over a week since surgery). She is also up and using a walker, so she’s doing well too.

    Dr. Jimmy Chow is a rare find (great personality, wonderful talent, and seems to be a really nice person).

    ~ MS (IL)

  • 3 weeks today and my hip & leg muscles are doing good – with no swelling or discomfort – it feels good to lose that pain.

    I’ve had several requests for your address in Arizona, and I have been questioned at length about the accommodations there – they’re great.

    Thanks again for a good experience in healing.

    ~ PM (Salem, IL)

  • I have been quite impressed with the SuperPATH total hip arthroplasty you performed on our mutual patient. It is a technique that I hope and anticipate will revolutionize the next generation of hip replacements.

    I am the Director of Rehabilitation Services at our local hospital. In our department, we are committed to the highest level of rehabilitative care and to assisting our patients in optimal recovery in a timely fashion.

    Thank you for progressing the well-being of those who undergo a total hip arthroplasty!

    ~ TL, PT, DPT (AZ)

  • I’m at the end of my first week following a complete hip replacement via SuperPATH and I am doing very well. Thanks! I have some minimal pain, but “minimal” is key; it’s not delibating nor restrictive. I’ve been walking, driving and using stairs (carefully) since the day after surgery. I believe I lack my full motion on the affected hip due to prior muscle-memory. I have been trying some stretching exercises to extend my hip’s range of motion and I will probably consult our local (and excellent) PT unit. I’m more than pleased with the results of my procedure with Dr. Chow; I have already recommended SuperPATH to a neighbor with hip issues.


    For any potential future SuperPATH patients, here are some of my recovery experiences during my first 2.5 weeks:

    • During the first 2-6 hours post-op, I was apparently still dealing with the affects of the spinal-anesthesia and had difficulty urinating. It is good to know that the spinal-anesthesia may affect your bladder/urethra muscles occasionally making it difficult to initiate. (I ultimately did pass a few ounces; apparently enough to satisfy the requirement.)
    • I became nauseous for several hours after being moved to my room on Monday afternoon. I assume this was a reaction to the anesthetic, but was unexpected. I would certainly not have tried to eat the evening meal they brought me had I suspected that reaction.
    • I observed some swelling in the affected hip during the second day and third days at home. Apparently this is normal and not a concern. However, not knowing, I called Ashley on Wednesday as my right upper thigh was (I thought) quite swollen. She said, “normal” and also that I could apply cold compresses to the area if I wished.
    • The pain I realized for the first four or five days post-operatively was mild overall, but “migrated”. Wednesday there was more pain in my right buttock. Later the primary incision seemed the most pronounced pain. During the weekend (5th – 6th days) the smaller incision (where I believe you insert the “pin” to maneuver the femur during the procedure) was VERY tender; it awoke me from a sound-sleep if I moved-around enough to contact it.
    • On Monday the 4th I suddenly developed a 2-3? diameter bruise just above my tail-bone. No pain, but a fairly remarkable bruise. I was later told it was an expected response to post-operative coumadin (blood-thinner).

    At 2.5 weeks I’m doing very well, and am experiencing no restrictions what-so-ever from the procedure. Thanks very much! I started a one-day-per-week PT series with the Rehab Dept of the Wickenburg hospital on Tuesday. The Director of Rehabilitation there is MOST impressed with how quickly I’ve recovered. She said she’s worked with many hip and knee replacements and has never seen anyone recover as quickly as I have. She had many questions about the procedure, which I answered to the best of my ability. I still exhibit some muscular / tendon restrictions to full mobility (related to the duration of my arthritis and my pre-operative stiffness) , but have a series of specific exercises to work on between sessions at the PT Facility. I thought you might appreciate hearing a professional reaction to your procedure.

    ~ CH (Wickenburg, AZ)

  • I had my right hip replaced on 8/9/10 and walked to the bathroom 8 hours later. I played racquet ball on 8/22/10. I have no pain. I made the right decision. Thanks to Dr. Chow and SuperPATH.

    ~ JF (AZ)

  • I had Hip replacement surgery back in Oct of 2009. I have had no trouble at all with my new hip. I actually forget that I have a hip replacement. Dr Chow is the very best orthopedic surgeon that I know of. I am sorry he left southern Illinois. I need my knee done so don’t know which way to turn since he is in AZ.There is no other Doctor like Dr Chow He is great in my book.

    ~ SC (IL)

  • I am absolutely THRILLED with the results of the total knee replacements and have had not one regret in having both knees replaced. It is SOOOO nice to stand 5′ 6″ tall again, and many friends have commented on the wonderful change in my walk and pain gone from my face.

    Thank you again, Dr. Chow, for your wonderful follow-up as long as needed and the same gentle and kind spirit each time I saw you. I have several friends of various ages who have seen you, and ALL have had a positive experience with accolades to you!

    I would not mind at all being contacted by patients looking at total knee replacement(s) so they would have an idea what to expect, with the surgery itself, care in the hospital, physical therapy, needs after returning home, and the final outcome.

    ~ MM (Centralia, IL)

  • The arthroscopic knee surgery I had 3/12/09 was a great success! I had been dealing with the pain for over 10-1/2 years. Seven days after the surgery, I had full range of motion and was able to back to full athletic activity. I am 100% pleased with the result! Thanks for taking the time and care to do such an excellent job.

    ~ HH (Mount Vernon, IL)

  • I had my left hip replaced in May 2009. A year has passed and I have had NO pain or problem with my left side since. Thank You Jimmy.

    ~ CEY

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